Retired couple would love to take care of your dog in our home while you are gone overnight. Your dog will get two vigorous walks/runs per...
Large and small animals are my career! 35 years I've worked on ranches in Hawaii, Colorado, and California. Caring for domestic and livestock...
"When they can't be with you" want the best care possible. Dogs have always been part of our home. Whistler is the 4th in line of...
Aloha, Warren and Jessica love being "Uncle and Aunty" to your pets. We are both in the in the "Caring Professions" and are natural nurturers,...
I am retired so I can be with your pet 24/7. I've had pets all my life and love having animals around. I worked at Central Maui Animal Clinic in...
Aloha - I am a previous Maui humane society employee just looking to help people out with their pets because I love animals! Specifically dogs!!...